Why Babbling Is So Important

Written on the 26 November 2020 by Jackie Sinnerton

WHEN parents share in babbling baby talk with their bubs, they are boosting their future vocabulary, scientists have found. 

While prelinguistic speech with a tot may be embarrassing for some, researchers found that when they listened to real-world recordings from homes that than in a lab, the children benefited greatly from the interaction. The study from University of California is published today in open—access journal PLOS ONE.

Infants tended to have a larger vocabulary if they were always babbling and in return received a greater amount of adult responses that incorporated sounds similar to their babbling.  The authors speculate this may be because adults find it easier to respond meaningfully to babbling sounds closer to real words. Adult imitation of infant babbling with expansion into whole sentences on the part of the adult may help infants develop a larger vocabulary.

Research found infant-directed speech helps create a tight bond with parents. “Babies learn through chatter so talk often and make sure they can see your face and lips moving. When you baby babbles to you, babble back, mimic and imitate sounds,” early learning educator Lucy Cook said.


  • Let baby talk then take your turn.
  • Mimic baby sounds.
  • Listen and look at baby.
  • Don’t correct, just add, and elaborate.
  • Limit screentime.
  • Use body language.

Author:Jackie Sinnerton
About: Published in the Courier Mail
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